1.Go to Deray: use fly, go to the right, land and write:
Now we have to pass "maze", be careful on "fire", on the way are some check points. At end click switch.
Write again:
2.For first take a few of Flower leaf-
, what we can get from planting flowers or buying from players. Now go to Honbur and click switch (take us 1x leaf):
we get bucket
, we can take water thanks to this (we can pick water only in one place on map! at right side):
and put out fire from house and throw thrash outside:
We got for it ~~13min !!!If someone fail, can go one more time, need to bring again flower leaf 9
every fires and thrash is 43!
When we do all, so teleprot us and next click chest.
-We get 500g, DB stickers and
fire bag-