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Przesunięty przez: The Great
2019-02-24, 13:12
DBVictory Sag (4,5,6)
Autor Wiadomość

Nick: Alzotr
Pomogła: 5 razy
Dołączyła: 21 Lip 2018
Posty: 220
  Wysłany: 2018-11-24, 22:35   DBVictory Sag (4,5,6)

Majin Buu Sag

Click image for better view! / Kliknij zdjęcie dla lepszej widoczności!

SagHelp (4-1): Find budokai arena and fight with Kibito. {fight}

Hi -> Budokai -> Yes

Hi -> Fight
After 3/5 seconds will respawn two servants of Babidi, we need to use ~~5x senzus to end this saga because they are absorbing our ki / Po 3/5 sekundach pojawią się dwaj służący Babidiego, musimy użyć około 5 razy senzu żeby ukończyć tą sagę ponieważ oni absorbują naszą manę.

SagHelp (4-2): Talk with East Kaioshin {buu}

Hi -> Buu

SagHelp (4-3): Find ship Babidi. -> (4-6)

Enter the ship (2x move in teleport) and fight with all guards (spawn after 5 seconds) / Wejdź na statek (2 razy wejść do teleportu) i walcz z wszystkimi strażnikami (pojawiają się po 5 sekundach).
#1 Pui Pui - HP: 500k, DMG:8-35k
#2 Yakon - HP: 530k, DMG:8-35k
#3 Dabura - HP: ~~30 seconds, DMG:13-19k

(4-7): Talk and fight with Majin Vegeta. {majin}
Hi -> Majin -> Yes
HP: ~~30 seconds, DMG:14-16k

SagHelp (4-8): Talk and fight with Buu Sag (1st form). {fight}

Hi -> Fight -> Yes
HP: ~~45 seconds, DMG:9-20k

SagHelp (4-9): Talk to East Kaioshin. {method}

Hi -> Method

SagHelp (4-10): Go to Kaioshin planet with East Kaioshin and Kibito. (Find sword in the rock and talk with Kaioshin) {sword}

WAY / DROGA <- Click / Kliknij!
Hi -> Sword

SagHelp (4-11): Pull the sword from the rock, remember to always have full power!

Click sword in the stone! (Click -> Senzu, repeat ~~9times to done sag) / Kliknij miecz w skale! (Klik -> Senzu, powtórz około 9 razy do wykonania sagi).

SagHelp (4-12): Train with the sword until it broken. (Son Goku Train) {train}

Hi -> Train

Need to equip the sword, what we get from Sag (4-11) and attack the train to destroy sword after it, just exit by teleport / Musimy ubrać miecz, który zdobyliśmy z Sagi (4-11) i bić tak długo traina aż zniszczy się miecz, po tym wychodzimy po prostu teleportem.

SagHelp (4-13): Talk with Rou Dai Kaioshin {training}
Hi -> Training -> Yes

SagHelp (4-14): Wait until it has finished meditation Rou Dai Kaioshin over you. (Stand on the ground as long as you will must) [left: 0/450]

Need to stay as long when you will get teleport, dont move - just stay. / Trzeba stać tak długo aż nas teleportuje z tamtego miejsca, nie ruszaj się - tylko stój.

SagHelp (4-15): Find and fight with Buu (3rd form). {fight}

WAY / DROGA <- Click / Kliknij!
Hi -> Fight -> Yes
HP: ~~60 seconds, DMG:18-24k

SagHelp (4-16): Fight with Buu (4th form). {fight}

Hi -> Fight -> Yes
HP: |, DMG:20-24k

(4-17): Pull out all warriors of the body Buu. (Attack cocoons)

# Buu Inside - HP: 750k, DMG:12-17k
Now we have to release our 5 friends by attack the cocoons like this: / Teraz musimy uwolnić naszych 5 przyjaciół poprzez atakowanie kokonów tak jak tutaj:

SagHelp (4-18): Fight and kill Buu (last form).

Hi -> Fight
HP: 6.5mln, DMG:9-46k

24 Hours Stop! / 24 Godzinny Stop!

Bebi Sag

SagHelp (5-1): Go to Bulma and ask the {ship}.

Hi -> Ship -> Yes [Needed / Potrzebne 200x sprockets]
- Sprockets (The best drop from boars or buy for 3g each / Najlepiej zdobywać to z boarów albo kupić, 3g za sztukę).

(5-2): Fly the ship to the planet Imecka and kill Ledgic Sag.

HP: 630k, DMG: 9-43k

SagHelp (5-3): Find on this planet robot called Gill {radar}

Hi -> Radar

SagHelp (5-4): Go to Monmaasu planet and fight with Colossus Sag.

HP: 630k, DMG:8-42k

SagHelp (5-5): Go to planet Gelbo, find Leena and talk her. {ball}

Hi -> Ball

SagHelp (5-6): Find Zoonama and talk him. {earthquake}

Hi -> Earthquake

SagHelp (5-7): Talk with Leena. {Zoonama}

Hi -> Zoonama

SagHelp (5-8): Go to planet Behej, find and kill brothers Son Para, Bon Para and Don Para.

Hi -> Behej

# Son Para - HP: 500k, DMG:7-34k.
# Bon Para - HP: 500k, DMG:7-31k.
# Don Para - HP: 500k, DMG:8-34k.

SagHelp (5-9): Go to planet M2 and kill Commando M2.

Hi -> Back
Hi -> M2

# Sigma One - HP: 500k, DMG:7-35k.
# Sigma Two - HP: 500k, DMG:8-35k (resp ~~12s).
# Sigma Three - HP: 630k, DMG:11-45k (resp ~~15s).

SagHelp (5-11): Kill General Rilldo {kill}

HP: 630k, DMG:9-40k.

SagHelp (5-12): Find laboratory Dr. Myuu (click switch)

SagHelp (5-13): Find Bebi (First) and fight with him. {fight}

Hi -> Fight
HP: ~~5 seconds, DMG:0

SagHelp (5-14): Fly to the earth and search Bebi (Second). {leave}

Hi -> Leave
HP: ~~40 seconds, DMG:8-10k

SagHelp (5-15): Search Bebi (Third) and fight. (in Son Goten body). {fight}

Hi -> Fight
HP: ~~60 seconds, DMG:8-10k.

SagHelp (5-16): Search Bebi (Four) and fight. (in Son Gohan body). {fight}

Hi -> Fight
HP: ~~120 seconds, DMG:9-11k.

SagHelp (5-17): Search Bebi Vegeta and fight. (in Vegeta body). {fight}

Hi -> Fight
Baby Vegeta - HP: ~~60 seconds, DMG:11-14k.
Baby Vegeta Two - HP: ~~60 seconds, DMG: 12-15k.
Baby Vegeta Oozaru - HP: 5mln, DMG:15-18k.

24 Hours Stop! / 24 Godzinny Stop!

Evil Dragons Sag

SagHelp (6-7): Find Dr. Gero i Dr. Myuu. {c17}

Hi -> C17

SagHelp (6-8): Find Cell Hell, Freeza Hell and kill them.

Cell Hell - HP: ~~600k, DMG:10-53k.
Freeza Hell - HP: ~~600k, DMG: 11-44k.

SagHelp (6-9): Find Piccolo Hell and talk him. {out}

Hi -> Out -> Right

SagHelp (6-11): Find and kill Super C17 (Ultra #C17).

HP: 561k, DMG:6-42k.

SagHelp (6-12): Find and kill Ryan Shenlong. {ball}

Hi -> Ball -> Fight
HP: 500k, DMG:10-40k.

SagHelp (6-13): Find and kill Uu Shenlong. {ball}

Hi -> Ball -> Fight
HP: 500k, DMG:14-42k.

SagHelp (6-14): Find and kill Ryuu Shenlong. {ball}

Hi -> Ball
HP: 500k, DMG:10-40k.

SagHelp (6-15): Find and kill Chii Shenlong. {ball}

Hi -> Ball -> Fight
HP: 630k, DMG:11-44k.

SagHelp (6-16): Find and kill Suu Shenlong. {ball}

Hi -> Ball -> Fight
# Suu Shenlong (first) - HP: ~~60 seconds, DMG:15-20k.
# San Shenlong - HP: 600k, DMG:10-40k.
# Suu Shenlong (second) - HP: 600k, DMG:10-43k.

SagHelp (6-17): Find and fight with Li Shenlong. {ball}

Hi -> Ball -> Fight
HP: ~~300 seconds, DMG:15-21k

Now we have to lose Li Shenron and wait a moment for teleport (blue - lose him there). / Teraz musimy zgubić Li Shenrona i poczekać chwilę na teleport (niebieski - zgubmy go tutaj).

SagHelp (6-18): Put black Dragon Ball Sag at designated places and drag switch.

Put dragon ball like on a picture and click the leaver! / Układamy kulę tak jak na zdjęciu i klikamy dźwignię!

SagHelp (6-19): Kill Evil Li Shenlong Sag (Is a mysterious door!)

HP: 6mln, DMG:110-130k.

BILLS SAG <- Click! / Klik!

by Alzotr. :)
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