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ENG - How to do good change

Alzotr - 2019-03-03, 19:43
Temat postu: How to do good change
1. If you dont record never give login/password as first
2. If you see/hear some report for this player, better dont do change without admin
3. Always check first on Forum BOT/CHEAT/OSZUSTWA before change.
4. Never give first paccs, items, etc. because player who can cheat you, maybe he will get ban but you dont will get back items propably:/

How to do good change:
1.start recording
2.check your login, password and email are correct
How to do it?
Write your password, login and email to notepad, copy all to acc when you can log in

After check password, login and mail you can go to next step( dont use CTRL+C, bcs its not sure you copy password from video or something earlier before start recording)

3. Now start a conversation with players what you want to change
Converstaion should like this:
JA - Hello
xxx - Hello
JA - so i give char nick "xxx" for char nick "xxx1", yes?
xxx - Yes
JA - I give first, so if you cheat me you got delete, yes?
xxx - Yes

Now give him login, password and mail, best on label.
4a. In this step everythink is complicating because players think they dont will get delete and just change pass and logout. If someone cheat you and you have video, upload video to yt and write post there: BOT/CHEAT/OSZUSTWA and the lier will get delete.
4b. If everythink goes fine, so player give us his password, login and mail and we can be happy for getting new character!J

Translated by Alzotr

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