ENG - Commands
Alzotr - 2019-02-25, 18:29 Temat postu: Commands
List of some available commands for players DBVictory
House - Info:
!buyhouse - Stay in front of doors of free house and after write this command you buy house.
!sellhouse "player nick - By using this coomand you can sell your house for someone else (works like normal trade system).
!leavehouse - You leave your house (dont get any money/Items are transfered to depo).
!house door - Add/remove people, who can open doors.
!house guest - Add/remove people, who can eneter house.
!house subowner - Add/remove co-owner of your house.
!teleport house - Teleport us to our house.
Help in game:
!info - Information about your character (Level, Reborn level, Pacc, PPoint, EPoint, PPointers, Max KI, Max HP, Guild, Warnings, Bless, PZ Lock)
!kills/!frag/!frags - show your numer of kills.
!mission - Help in doing missions (low quest, etc)
!quest - List of monsters to kill (from Kill Quest)
!money - Showing us, how much many why have with us
/shop - Info on forum. (>CLICK<)
!war - Info on forum. (>CLICK<)
/guild - Write on red to all members of guild!
!budokai - Teleport us to arena of budokai (only during budokai!)
!casino - Set your rate to play in casino (w zeni)
/bug - You can report bugs(eg. /bug stairs dont work). For reported and accepted bugs, will be given points. You can change the points for some items (NPC Prize). [Status * /bug info] More info: (>CLICK<)
!trap - If some low player trap us, after write this commands we telport at him (Only on players to 60lvl!).
!depo - This command is teleporting pacc from our depo to our backpack.
!spell - Show our spells.
!spell learn - Show list of spells, what we can to learn by missions/quests
!sag - Show our sag.
!q list/add,ID/remove/get - Show list of quest where we can teleprot by this command / Join to queue for quest / Leave the queue for quest / Shows to what queue we are added
!cast on - Turn on cast
!cast off - Turn off cast
!cast pass,PASSWORD - Set our password
!cast pass,off - Remove password from cast
!cast desc,DESCRIPTON - Change description of cast
!cast ban,NAME - Ban player on our cast
!cast unban,NAME - Unban player on our cast
!cast bans - List of banned players in our cast
!cast mute,NAME - Mute player on our cast
!cast unmute,NAME - Unmute player on our cast
!cast mutes - List of muted players on our cast
!cast viewer - Lista osób oglądających casta
!cast status - Shows for us list of viewers, description and password
!cast update/!save - Save and refresh number of viewers, cast name on website
Commands for viewer (*)
*/name - Change our name on cast
*/info - Info about cast (Shows viewers and status)
!al list - Pick 7 items to autoloot system
!al clean - Reset list of items to autoloot system
!set stats, percent - Show HP/KI in percents
!set stats, normal - Show HP/KI in numbers (max to 65k)
!set dmg - Turn on/off showing received damage (You lose x hitpoints..)
!set totaldmg - Turn on/off showing your total damage dealed after kill
!set critical - Turn on/off showing critical hit
!set gotrunk - (Only for gotrunk) Turn on/off new or old transform gotrunk (PQ,FPQ,SPQ,FSPQ)
!help radar - Info about special radar
!rider - start rider a monster (more info NPC Rider Master)
!rider stop - stop rider a monster
!party talk, TEXT - Write to members of party (Only leader)
!party check - Check who use in party (Only leader)
!exp NAME_MONSTER - Telling us how much monsters we need kill to next level (eg. !exp wolf)
Only for PACC:
!teleport - Teleport player to city. (For exmaple, you can teleport to:city center, rock, nova)
!loot - On/Off show loot from monsters
!fly (start|stop) - it available us to fly in designated places
Translated by Alzotr