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PL - Crafting (Young Set) - Nova City

Alzotr - 2018-08-13, 00:00
Temat postu: Crafting (Young Set) - Nova City
Witam, tym razem zrobię poradnik do Crafting'u Nova City na Young Seta. :D

-Idziemy do Nova City

Item/Potrzebne Itemy

*. You see a Young Scouter (Arm:4).
It can only be wielded properly by level 100+.
+1% Protect from all

-200 Golds,
-3x Mistic Piccolo Helmet,
-1x Small Green Scouter.

*. You see a Young Armor (Arm:4).
It can only be wielded properly by level 100+.
+2% Protect from all

-500 Golds,
-3x Defense Armor,
-1x Super Defense Armor.

*. You see a Young Legs (Arm:4).
It can only be wielded properly by level 100+.
+2% Protect from all

-400 Golds,
-3x Furie Blue Legs,
-1x Furie Green Legs.

*. You see a Young Boots (Arm:3).
It can only be wielded properly by level 100+.
+1% Protect from all

-300 Golds,
-3x Full Saiyan Boots,
-1x Bardock Boots

Skąd zdobyć?
Mistic Piccolo Helmet - Mutant Namekjin.
Small Green Scouter - Vegeta Ou (Ratius dół i lewo całe), Fury Raditz(Onios, Victory góra)

Defense Armor - Chibi Gunso, Gunso.
Super Defense Armor - Mystic Flash Attack Part. 2.

Furie Blue Legs - Chibi Rocco, Rocco, Fury Rocco
Furie Green Legs - Arenka 3 Access

Full Saiyan Boots - Fury Ubb, Full Fury Ubb, Skrzynka.
-Idziemy na Frozen i zgodnie z mapą:

Bardock Boots - Wszelakie formy Bardocka (Bionus, Restless, Canaria-podziemia mutant fire elelementalów, Amira-za gotrunkami)

Ryykus - 2018-08-13, 02:22

Poradnik dobry lecz dodaj do small green scoutera ze leci z fury radiza :p, oraz furie green legi sa dostepne z arenki 3 na accesie a z tego co pamietam stare ani sfl daje tylko czesc samurai setu i gold y:P
Zbychu - 2018-08-13, 14:17

poradnik średniej jakości, nie przypadł mi do gustu

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